
Melbourne Paperific Expo

So it has been VERY busy on the Scrapping front with Melbourne Paperific Expo this weekend along with a new kit being released at the same time.  My Gallery has come together and set up is tomorrow - oh so exciting!

There are a couiple of spots left in the classes, so if you are interested, check out the 'need to bring' list and you can book in on the day, but be early as spots are limited of course.

Click on the image that will take you to the post with all the information.

On display in our booth will be my Master's entries as other work for your inspiration.

Hope to see you there!


  1. Have a great time.. I am looking forward to brissy in June!!

  2. enjoy your time at the expo, have fun :)

  3. look forward to seeing you there Beck xx

  4. Enjoy your time and lean more about scrapping that help in future to make a good career.
    drawing classes melbourne


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